The 2021 version of Jumbledance includes a small 90 page booklet with brief written segments for each card. Below are three of the descriptions.
3 Disks
The farm is an apt symbol of the work we do in the world. Work is the traditional meaning of the Three of Disks because the suit of disks is a suit of the physical, the body, and the material world, and three is the number of action. In the world it is action that allow us to produce goods with the material objects we have. Through soil, seeds, water and work we can feed ourselves. The three disks here are shown as three circular fields. The open hole is the prefiguring of the four, which will complete the first cycle of numbers in the “Magical Triangle”.
9 Cups
Lovely glasses float over water, but do we know what is in the water we drink? Above the glasses are little bugs we can't even see that live in the water: copepods and diatoms. These symbolize the undercurrents which travel in our community — gossip, and negative feelings, which we often never express, though their presence is felt and observed nonetheless. The various colors of the glasses could represent the diversity of individuals in our communities or the range of emotion — from anger and hatred, to love and passion.
The image of the glasses come from a c. 1960's advertisement in National Geographic. These old images are lovely in the collage, as their soft colors and diffuse lines give collage a “painterly” feel.
Boy of Disks
A young Little leaguer is our Boy of Disks. Learning body skills is a big part of mastering the qualities of the suit of Disks. Learning to catch, run and hit are all skills which translate into things we need as we grow up.
Baseball is a game played on a unique field which is cooporatively shared by both teams. The four bases are connected to the four-ness of the world (seasons, elements, etc.) and this four-ness is repeated in the labyrinth above the boy's head. Below is the baseball "diamond", symbolic of the skills we work to perfect.
The path of the sun, shown as red arcs rising in the east and setting in the west, are represented in baseball by the home run — a symbolic completion and transition to a new level, which will be the next stage for the Boy of Disks as he grows to be a man.
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