Payments are processed through PayPal. Sales tax will be added for CA residents (8%). We usually ship within 1-2 business days (but since we live in a remote area it sometimes takes 3 days).
U.S. Domestic USPS First Class mail ($2.99 per order plus $2.00 per item)
1 deck: $4.99
2 decks: $6.99
3 decks: $8.99 etc.
NOTE: Import duties imposed by your country may be added to the order, and you are responsible for these charges (in the UK, there may be an import tax PLUS a handling fee of 8 pounds - one person paid 14.84 pounds total). ALSO: we apologize for the ridiculously high international shipping rates, but the US Postal Service is constantly increasing their prices .
International Shipping - Canada/Mexico USPS First Class International mail
($16.99 per order plus $4.00 per item)
1 deck: $20.99
2 decks: $24.99
3 decks: $28.99 etc.
International Shipping - Lower Cost EU USPS First Class International mail
UK, France, Germany, Czechia, Spain, Portugal
($20.99 per order plus $4.00 per item)
1 deck: $24.99
2 decks: $28.99
3 decks $32.99 etc.
International Shipping - Australia/New Zealand USPS First Class International mail
($27.99 per order plus $6.00 per item)
1 deck: $33.99
2 decks: $39.99
3 decks: $45.99 etc.
International Shipping - all other countries USPS First Class International mail
($22.99 per order plus $5.00 per item)
1 deck: $27.99
2 decks: $32.99
3 decks: $37.99 etc.
* Shipping for other items: see the individual item listing for info. We have the clothing and baby blankets listed as being shipped to the U.S. only because of International shipping being so high. However, if you are interested in having something shipped to another country contact us.